
19 January, 2010

The UFO List

Kind of a long list! Working on them (almost) in order of which can be finished first. It's the maximum impact in the shortest time principle.

I love making lists like this.
Makes me feel like I have actually done something.


  1. Yep. Love the list(s)(yours and... mine)(any list usually) :^)
    I make a list everyday, I'll even add stuff on the list I've just accomplished so I can mark through it.
    I'm really looking forward to seeing everything!

  2. Ha ha ha ha, and I thought I was buzy!!! Saw your "Norwegian", it looks great!

  3. Wow, impressed with how organised you are. My UFO list is much longer than that though. The only things I seem to finish are designs for magazines as I have to finish those for deadlines. Anything for myself seem to take forever. Good luck with your UFOs.
