
10 May, 2006

One border down

The yellow, red, and green sweater is coming along now. The honey and brown border at the bottom is done, and I am very excited about working with the yellow and red yarn for the body. It is such a jolt of color! It has about five large pattern repeats, so it will take a while. I hope to finish one pattern repeat every couple of days. Also, my hands are starting to feel strained, so I am trying to intersperse working on this sweater with finishing the Nellie cardigan.

At one time, I bought a knitting belt and long needles from Schoolhouse Press to try knitting the old fashioned way. Shetland knitters were able to do one sweater a week using those things. I didn't quite master the technique, but I think it's worth experimenting with again to relieve my wrists and hands. I will let you know if it works out. Anything to make it possible to knit more!

Finally, spring is here. I have been so looking forward to the flowers coming out, that I had to share a couple of pictures. This little shrub is a surprise. It has been sitting there quietly all winter, and I was wondering what it would become when spring arrived. Well, spring has arrived, and I have no idea! I haven't found it in my gardening book, but I see it everywhere along the roads around here.

The periwinkles in the background behind the daffodils can be found everywhere in our yard. I love them! They cover the woods under the all trees, and I know they are invasive, but I don't mind, they are so beautiful.


  1. I have no idea what you are talking about ... but I'll check Schoolhouse Press and Google. The colours of the sweater look even better than in the photo!
    I have a pot of roses in my backyard ... there are more than 10 flower buds waiting for the right moment to bloom! I am checking them out at least twice every day! LOL! If the plant can talk, she would say I am harassing her!

  2. it looks beautiful. I love the colors you've chosen.

  3. that sweater looks really complicated and intricate looking. I bet u have a super eye strained knitting that. But it is gorgeous!

  4. Anonymous16 May, 2006

    I can't believe what a gorgeous pattern you're doing with this sweater, it looks breathtaking already - but gosh, it must be so complicated! I'm impressed by your patience, this is going to be one great piece of art!
    Thank you for sharing the beautiful spring photos - here it's raining and gray and dull since days and gosh, I take every opportunity to see colors! :)

  5. I'm glad you liked the dogs' blog. My mother keeps that one up and I think her commentary is really funny.

    I think almost all of the adopted greyhounds out there were losers - hence why they were retired and adopted into happy families! Ours are only winners because Jack broke his leg from running so fast, and Daisy and Lucky both came from the same track in CT which was being closed, so all dogs were being released. It's scary how fast all of them can run, though. Our first dog was kicked out before he even made it through training, and he was still incredibly fast. Poor things!
