Spring is coming, I know it! Of course, it's March 1st, and in this part of the world, that means spring will show up in about three months. But these tiny cherry blossoms are starting to come to life inside.
In January we had a snowstorm that took down our old cherry tree. It was always beautiful every year, but it's trunk was so damaged that it was only a matter of time. I clipped as many branches as I could, and put them in a bucket of water to force them. It's something I think of doing every year, but don't usually get around to. This time it was now or never.

It was rather slow at first. After several weeks, nothing had happened. But suddenly last week, green buds started coming out.

This week, tiny little flowers are beginning to show! I am so happy to see them! They are pretty miraculous, really.
I hope that spring comes quickly for all of you in the northern hemisphere! If you are in the Southern hemisphere, I hope your summer is starting to get a little cooler!